
Dr. Redden
Dr. Redden's clinic is dedicated specifically to treating development problems in feet, as well as career and life threatening foot disease and injury. His innovative techniques and concepts have saved the lives of many seemingly hopeless cases where euthanasia is the only option.
For 17 years, Dr. Redden organized and hosted the annual Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium in Louisville, Ky. He has organized podiatry seminars in 22 other countries throughout the world, and in 1998, Dr. Redden was inducted into the International Equine Veterinarians Hall of Fame.
Dr. Redden has developed a number of specialty therapeutic aluminum and steel horseshoes including Four Point™ shoes; the Four-Point, the Rail, Drop Forge Rail, the Full Rocker and the NANRIC Ultimate (Redden Modified Ultimate). He developed the method of rockering horseshoes know in the industry as "banana shoes" or "rocker shoes". He also co-designed the Dalric therapeutic foal shoes with Helmuth Dallmer in Germany. Most recently, he began teaching a five-day educational program for practicing veterinarians and farriers entitled "Equine Podiatry 101," which is recognized by the American Association for Veterinary State Boards and offers 40 continuing education credit hours.
Non-Profit Organization
IEPC is a non-profit organization designed to reverse the effects of equine foot disease. Our goals are to heal, reverse pain, and advance the science of equine podiatry. IEPC is affiliated with the only exclusive equine podiatry center in the horse world.
Exclusive Equine Podiatry Practice
An innovative approach to veterinary medicine evolved out of the efforts of Dr. Ric Redden, horseman, farrier and veterinarian, from Versailles, Kentucky. He brought a new approach to the practice of veterinary medicine that is followed worldwide. Known for his basic fundamentals and dedication to education, this concept has added a new dimension to foot science. The finite focus that Dr. Redden has utilized over the years has accelerated progress in all aspects of equine podiatry. This concept has spread throughout the horse world offering farriers and veterinarians a source of valuable information in their quest to conquer the effects of foot disease.
Advancing the Science
IEPC has pioneered universally accepted treatment regimes for numerous life and career threatening syndromes such as laminitis, horse founder, club feet, angular limb deformities, white line disease, prosthetic limbs and others. IEPC research and development remains a world leader on the cutting edge of technology.
Projects include an in-depth study of normal coffin bone development from birth to maturity, the genetic linkage hypothesis concerning club feet, and amputee candidates with prosthesis.
Education and Communication
IEPC has an unsurpassable dedication for sharing knowledge. We thrive on harmony and warm working relationships that are fueled with continued education. We are committed to sharing our knowledge with those eager to learn. Our goal is to provide a source for better, more cost effective equine podiatry.
IEPC sponsors the annual Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium in Louisville, Kentucky that is attended by hundreds of farriers and veterinarians from around the world. Other in-depth symposiums have been held in Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, Finland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, and Norway.
IEPC has an unique international consulting service that offers farriers and veterinarians a direct line of communication to state-of-the-art technique and treatment protocol. IEPC became a reality due to our dedication and commitment to share knowledge.
In 2001, NANRIC, a retail and on-line store, was established to provide a service link between Dr. Redden's innovative concepts and the many therapeutic products that he routinely uses for his podiatry cases. NANRIC is owned by Dr. Ric and Nancy Redden, the former owners of Advance Equine and Kentucky Blacksmith Supply. Shannon Redden is the Marketing Director and Manager of the company and Zack Gaines handles Sales & Marketing.

Our mission at NANRIC is to provide the ultimate care possible for your horse and exceptional customer service. As you browse through our website and the specialty products we offer, keep in mind that we are here to meet your needs. If there is an item you need and cannot find, call us toll-free at (877) 462-6742. We will go the extra mile to find what you're looking for. We take pride in offering you high-quality products and the knowledge you need to use them.
Our goal is to extend our local and global reach in the equine podiatry industry. We have shipped to over 50 countries thus far and consider it a privilege to serve new and existing customers worldwide.
Directions to Dr. Redden's Clinic
Directions to NANRIC
R.F. (Ric) Redden, D.V.M., is one of the rare individuals who is both a farrier and a veterinarian. His shoeing career began more than 40 years ago and has had a profound impact on his medical career.
Dr. Redden graduated from the Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio) College of Veterinary Medicine in 1974 with distinguished honors in Equine Medicine and Surgery.
After graduation, he developed a racetrack lameness practice focused on thoroughbreds and standardbreds. His reputation as a lameness consultant quickly spread, and Dr. Redden soon found himself traveling around the world to care for horses living with diseased or injured feet.
In 1983 he built the International Equine Podiatry Center (IPEC) in Versailles, Ky. It was the first podiatry center dedicated exclusively to the equine foot, and even today, it remains the only exclusive equine foot practice in the horse world.