Dr. Redden's International Consultation Service Starting at $500
How Can Dr. Redden Help You?
Dr. Ric Redden, an innovative veterinarian, farrier and horseman, is on the cutting edge of technology developing ideas, products and services to meet the equine podiatry needs of your horse. The Redden International Consultation Service assists you in dealing with equine foot problems. With 35+ years of experience, this unique veterinary practice limits service to the care of the equine foot. Industry response from the practice, seminars, and symposiums sponsored throughout the world by International Equine Podiatry Center Inc., established the need for an in-depth hotline consulting service.
Dr. Redden is an available source of state-of-the-art techniques and procedures concerning foot problems from angular limb deformities to life threatening laminitis. Our services are tailored to the specific needs of veterinarians, farriers, owners, and insurance companies. Consultations include interpretation, diagnosis, treatment plan, prognosis, a recommended follow-up program and communication with the responsible parties.
Assisting numerous veterinarians, farriers and owners through consultations has been quite helpful for many of the low impact damaged cases. However, higher levels of damage require more in-depth instructions and one on one dialog at the time the team attempts to follow his very detailed step-by-step mechanical process.
Just recently he has started offering his dedicated services at a prescheduled time that is used to work closely together using Skype, face time, or simply tweaking the critical steps with back-to-back continuous x-ray control. This works quite well as most all technique sensitive protocols require good working knowledge of the task at hand and a mechanical plan with specific goals. When the vet / farrier team are not familiar and / or experienced with the mechanical thought process that is basically designed to enhance blood supply to deprived components, tying to follow his recommendations can become a nightmare. Everyone's intentions are in tune with the effort but there is a very steep learning curve when applying mechanics using x-rays as blueprints. This is how it works for all concerned to gain optimum benefits.
It starts with a routine consultation with a short but precise history, complaint, and current x-ray images relative to the particular issue. Venograms are requested when indicated and a short video revealing body language and lameness scale. This sets the stage for the basic recommendations, the urgency of the issue, and degree of difficulty that may be encountered following his recommendations.
This phase of the consultation is $500
If the one on one, dedicated, prescheduled walk through the process is indicated and elected we set a time and requirements of preparation.
This step-by-step process can be time consuming for all concerned; therefore, scheduling a specific time for him and the vet/farrier team must be considered. This phase of the consultation is $500. This service has offered favorable reviews from the teams that otherwise would struggle in their attempt to adequately optimize the healing environment. Like most all other maladies affecting man or animal our first effort can be the most effective. The smallest mechanical detail makes the greatest difference.
Consultation Procedure
Direct line communication with your attending veterinarian and farrier establishes professional contact and enhances the potential for success.
To better serve you, Dr. Redden needs the following:
Case history (including onset of injury and cause), age, breed, intended use, medication, prior treatment and response of your horse. Immediate and long-term goals need to be considered.
A recent video and/or photographs of your horse. The video should reveal the extent of lameness, body language and eye expression when indicated. Very lame horses need to take only a step or two. CAUTION: Do not walk lame horses excessively. Dr. Redden needs to see specific detailed characteristics of your horse's foot/feet. When videoing or photographing the sides, front and rear of the foot, place the camera at ground level to prevent birds eye view distortion. Naming your photos i.e. left front medial or right front lateral is very helpful.
Carefully pick up the foot and zoom in on the bottom when possible.
Note: Do not force prolonged standing when bilateral lameness is involved.
Recent lateral and DP radiographs are essential components for all consultations. Dr. Redden requests informative current radiographs and the time span since the foot in question was trimmed or shod. He prefers that the film reveal soft tissue, as well as bone, and have wall and ground markers. It is very important that the primary beam pass through the foot at the level of the palmar surface of PIII. Please take lateral and DP views with the shoe on. If additional views are needed or requested then the shoe can be removed. The most informative views are made toward the end of the reset period. However emergencies require immediate attention. Lateral and DP radiographs are most informative when taken with low beam (just above the ground surface) and parallel to the ground surface. Radiopaque paste along the dorsal face of the hoof starting at the hair / horn wall junction is very helpful even with digital film as the actual wall is not visible and the paste reveals growth ring patterns. Please ask your vet to arrange the film so the left foot faces left and the right foot right. Also the DP views are offer flipped with digital programs and requested to be viewed as taken not flipped.
Dr. Redden's Complete Consultation starts at $500 and is time dependent, often requiring ongoing calls, emails and further discussion.
Please Email Dr. Redden (rfreddendvm@gmail.com) all data, videos, photos and radiographs. If the files are extremely large please use the Add File button below to upload them to Dr. Redden's Dropbox.
If mailing please notify us by email or phone and ship to:
PO BOX 507 (Billing)
8235 McCOWANS FERRY RD (Shipping)
PHONE: (859) 983-6690
We look forward to helping you and your horse! Click the Purchase Consult button below to begin.